How we do it

ARCC will spread Anti-Racism by leveraging the effect of EXPONENTIAL NETWORK GROWTH with SIMPLICITY & CLARITY, INCLUSIVITY, and INSPIRATION.


We will Eradicate racism and spread anti-racism with the effect of EXPONENTIAL NETWORK GROWTH.    

We will make it clear that each person is accountable to eradicate hate and racism and that they have the power to take action.  More specifically, we will reinforce the fact that one person can make an impact toward world change  through the exponential network growth effect.  

We will keep ARCC SIMPLE & CLEAR.

There is no centrist middle ground regarding racism.  You are either on the side of racism or Anti-racism.  You either commit to becoming an anti-racist or not.  We will keep language clear and simple to ensure ease of understanding, translation, adoption and activation. We will communicate clearly and simply to ensure that there are no misunderstandings, and we will be transparent and direct so there is no coded language or ingrained beliefs that are left unsaid or unaddressed. 

We will make ARCC INCLUSIVE.

We will ensure that any person who is willing to commit  to be a part of ARCC and do the work, feels welcomed, valued, accountable and  empowered to drive change, eradicate racism and spread anti-racism.

We will provide resources, support and INSPIRATION.

We will ensure that every person has the structural and emotional support to continually learn and build the confidence to speak out, stand up, take action and transform their network. Many people don’t like entering challenging and uncomfortable territory by themselves or venturing into the unknown without knowing exactly what will happen. However, once they see others jump in, they find the confidence to enter the fray themselves.  It is like the Ted Talk video of how to start a movement, where one person starts dancing on a crowded beach with no music, and everyone looks at this person like he is crazy.  Then a second brave person joins the first person in the dance, and soon everyone on the beach is dancing. One person started the dance, but it was the second and third and the others that followed that created the tipping point that made it a movement. 

Video: Start a Movement - Derek Sivers (5:41)

ARCC will provide the support to create the confidence for each new person to join and drive us toward the tipping point of a massive movement of anti-racism. But unlike the dancers in the video who eventually have to stop dancing on the beach and go home, the ARCC movement continues to spread because it is based on a commitment to build a Racism Free World. As new members commit to ARCC’s vision, the total membership number will increase in real time. Members are profiled on our “Coalition” page with their pictures, names and testimonials to convey their commitment and demonstrate the vast support network we are building. However, this movement is not a random dance, ARCC is an altruistic necessity that has been 400 years in the making. So COMMIT NOW TO ARCC and become part of the movement that will end racism once and for all.